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Expand your vision.

IImport, export in the safest way to any place in Latin America.

Our mission is to find you the right partner or your ideal market..

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New Business,

More business

Find new growth opportunities, from new products for your portfolio, to conquer new markets, we offer you a 360º solution.

Your sole focus, to see your numbers grow.

Make it happen

Efficient search for reliable international suppliers.

Selección estratégica de productos

Strategic selection of
innovative and quality products.

Connect with new partners
and customers globallyl

We facilitate international negotiations,
ensuring successful agreements.

Integral solution for
International Logistics

Customs compliance and regulations.

Welcome to the global economy

At IMEX Latam, we know how intimidating it can be to find the ideal international partner. With more than 20 years of experience, we have learned that beyond importing and exporting, doing new business is about creating solid alliances and relationships through trust and transparency.

We know you want to go further; with our knowledge, experience and allies in other countries you can achieve it.

We are a team of professionals committed to quality and efficiency. 

Our promise is to provide you with successful business opportunities through a personalized service in a 360º solution:

  • We find the ideal market or product
  • We manage negotiations with suppliers
  • We coordinate logistics activities

Our customers can rely on us as a strategic partner, we have a wide network of international suppliers and customers, facilitating their growth and expansion on a global scale.

Our mission is to open up the market for you.


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We help you find the market, product and/or ideal customer, according to your needs..

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We are expert negotiators, your only task during the process will be decision making..

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We manage the transport and documentation, from anywhere in the world, to your warehouse.

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Follow up

Our work accompanies you to the end of the road: with a successful operation.

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Our portfolio spans several sectors

​Our international business development experience started in the independent auto parts market, today we have a diverse portfolio. We are committed to providing you with cutting-edge, customized solutions for each sector, driving your growth and ensuring your relevance in an ever-evolving world..

Conquer new markets,
we do the whole process for you

Contact us

Talk to our experts, we want to know about your project.

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